
Brandon Sanderson

  • emsrizkyhas quoted5 months ago
    Anyone can claim loyalty, Vin thought. If someone has a "Contract" to ensure their honor, then all the better. That makes the surprise more poignant when they do turn on you.
  • emsrizkyhas quoted4 months ago
    You've used your clothing to change how people react to you, to let them know who you are and what you represent—which is essentially what a uniform does.
  • Zorica Krizanhas quoted2 months ago
    Oh, Kelsier, she thought, picking up another page. We could use you now. Kelsier had been a man beyond convention . . . a man who had somehow been able to defy reality. He'd thought that by giving his life to overthrow the Lord Ruler, he would secure freedom for the skaa. But, what if his sacrifice had opened the way for a greater danger, something so destructive that the Lord Ruler's oppression was a preferable alternative?
  • Zorica Krizanhas quoted2 months ago
    She had been quite attractive a decade before, but now she was creeping up into her late twenties.


  • Zorica Krizanhas quotedlast month
    And men hate what they fear
  • Ihlohas quoted6 months ago
    At first glance, the key and the lock it fits may seem very different," Sazed said. "Different in shape, different in function, different in design. The man who looks at them without knowledge of their true nature might think them opposites, for one is meant to open, and the other to keep closed. Yet, upon closer examination, he might see that without one, the other becomes useless. The wise man then sees that both lock and key were created for the same purpose.
  • fanhas quoted6 months ago
    But he was also Zane's brother


  • fanhas quoted6 months ago
    "But people often believe silly things, if given enough proof.
  • fanhas quoted6 months ago
    "Don't you think a man better appreciates love when he has been forced for so long to go without?"
  • fanhas quoted6 months ago
    He didn't like the way that cloaks rubbed against the small point of the spike that stuck out of his back just between the shoulder blades. The head was against his sternum, and couldn't be seen beneath clothing.

    "It is time to go," God said.

    Zane stood, leaving the mistcloak behind. He turned from his father's camp, leaving behind that which he had known, instead seeking the woman who would save him.

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