Brad Halm

Brad is an experienced organic farmer, garden designer, business manager, and author. He got started growing food in a small vegetable garden at the Homestead, an experiential living option at Denison University. His interest piqued, he spent a few years apprenticing on CSA farms around Ohio and quickly realized he had a deep connection to farming as a way of life. After 3 years of managing the CSA program at Village Acres Farm in Pennsylvania, he moved to Seattle to cofound the Seattle Urban Farm Company, an acclaimed business that designs, installs, and maintains urban farms and edible landscapes. Since then, Brad has designed and installed hundreds of residential and commercial edible gardens, developed a wholesale organic farm supplying Seattle area restaurants, and grown a business from a small startup to a thriving entity. He’s authored two books: Food Grown Right, In Your Backyard (The Mountaineers 2012) and The High Yield Garden Planner (Storey 2015), and contributed an essay to Greenhorns: 50 Dispatches from the New Farmers’ Movement (Storey 2012). He believes strongly in adding to the body of farming knowledge, and hopes to inspire new farmers and gardeners to start their own sustainable food businesses. When he’s not growing food, Brad loves rock climbing, backcountry skiing, teaching gardening classes, and playing the guitar.
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