Stephen Rawlings

Stephen Rawlings knows that everyone has to make their own decisions when it comes to their career. His decision to pursue entrepreneurship was the best decision he has ever made in his life. Encouragement to do so came to him from many directions. But initially he's the one that held himself back by making excuses for why he just couldn't get started. His biggest regret is that he didn't start sooner. The wasted time lost will not come back. However, Stephen refuses to allow himself to dwell on that anymore and have freed himself to make a success of his own business. He believes that we can hold ourselves back or we can allow ourselves to dive in and see just how wonderful being an entrepreneur really is. Even if your business fails, get up and dust yourself off and then try going for another one. You will have more experience and make better decisions. He knows because it happened to him. But things are going great now. He doesn't look back. This can be the same outcome for you.
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