Miyamoto Musashi

The Book of Five Rings

  • Woodhas quotedlast month
    In short, it is difficult for large numbers of men to change position, so their movements can be easily predicted. An individual can easily change his mind, so his movements are difficult to predict. You must appreciate this.
  • Woodhas quotedlast month
    principle of strategy is having one thing, to know ten thousand things.
  • Pop Cathas quotedlast month
    The teacher is as a needle, the disciple is as thread. You must practice constantly.
  • Pop Cathas quotedlast month
    If we look at the world we see arts for sale. Men use equipment to sell their own selves. As if with the nut and the flower, the nut has become less than th flower
  • Abdulla Al Jhas quoted3 months ago
    if you know the Way broadly you will see it in everything.
  • rani royhas quoted4 months ago
    An individual can easily change his mind, so his movements are difficult to predict
  • rani royhas quoted4 months ago
    What is big is easy to perceive: what is small is difficult to perceive.
  • Sunidhi Birlahas quoted4 months ago
    teaching and those learning the way are concerned with colouring and showing off their technique,
  • Sunidhi Birlahas quoted4 months ago
    we see arts for sale.
  • Sunidhi Birlahas quoted4 months ago
    In olden times strategy was listed among the Ten Abilities and Seven Arts as a beneficial practice
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