bookmate game
Graham Allcott

Introducing Productivity

  • Ann Catherine Dizon Perezhas quoted6 years ago
    You can’t manage time. There’s no point trying. What you can manage is your attention, and it’s an even more subtle skill to learn.
  • Prashanthihas quoted5 years ago
    Indeed, a focus on one thing at a time is a wonderful way to avoid feeling disorientated, overwhelmed and stressed.
  • Prashanthihas quoted5 years ago
    we resist things that are scary; we resist things that are difficult; and we resist things that are boring or uninteresting.
  • Павел Кузнецовhas quoted8 years ago
    So, we’d rather do anything else in the world than do the thing that matters, precisely because it’s the thing that matters
  • b1448194353has quoted3 years ago
    managing your stress and eliminating distractions to give you more attention and managing your body and mind to give you better quality attention.
  • kamnihas quoted4 years ago
    You can’t manage time but you can manage attention.
    Unlike time, attention isn’t a fixed resource, and an hour of proactive attention is far more valuable than an hour of inactive attention.
    It’s important to think about the quality of our attention and aim for Zen-like calm: that state where we’re interacting only with the thing in front
  • Marianahas quoted4 years ago
    what ‘improving productivity’ is: good habits, skills and behaviours.
  • George Titushas quoted4 years ago
    Change can come from trying new things, but can also come from revisiting, refreshing or reinforcing good habits.
  • b9733719910has quoted5 years ago
    Time might be spent, but attention still needs to be paid.
  • b0282184150has quoted5 years ago
    Your attention is a more limited resource than your time
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