Early Dynastic administration was perhaps rather loosely organised, lacking precise de
Егор Мякишевhas quoted4 years ago
both ideologically and politically.
Егор Мякишевhas quoted4 years ago
In summary, Merka’s titles reflect a society and an administrative system in which the king was at the pinnacle,
Егор Мякишевhas quoted4 years ago
which he exercised nominal authority.
Егор Мякишевhas quoted4 years ago
it seems somewhat unlikely that an official based at the capital would have had much direct contact with the desert regions over
Егор Мякишевhas quoted4 years ago
status came from proximity to the king rather than from occupying particular positions within the apparatus of government.
Егор Мякишевhas quoted4 years ago
The association between the goddess Neith and the royal family is well attested in the First Dynasty
Егор Мякишевhas quoted4 years ago
and provides yet another indication that Merka was a close member of the king’s immediate circle.
Егор Мякишевhas quoted4 years ago
complete with its own funerary chapel—from an ancient religious function strongly associated with the cult of divine kingship.
Егор Мякишевhas quoted4 years ago
In other words, despite occupying a number of administrative offices and positions connected with the royal household (detailed below), Merka gained his exceptional status—reflected in the size and sophistication of his tomb, com