Matjaz B. Juric,Denis Weerasiri

WS-BPEL 2.0 Beginner's Guide

  • Natalia Rybakovahas quoted7 years ago
    variables hold the XML elements or primitive types.
  • Natalia Rybakovahas quoted7 years ago
    Partner links are other services that use the BPEL process or are used by the BPEL process.
  • Natalia Rybakovahas quoted7 years ago
    which is generated for each BPEL process.
  • Natalia Rybakovahas quoted7 years ago
    Time for action – modifying WSDL
  • Natalia Rybakovahas quoted7 years ago
    WSDL specifies the web service interface, which is used to invoke the BPEL process.
  • Natalia Rybakovahas quoted7 years ago
    WSDL specifies the web service interface, which is used to invoke the BPEL process
  • Natalia Rybakovahas quoted7 years ago
    External references are external services used by our composite.
  • Natalia Rybakovahas quoted7 years ago
    Each BPEL process also has a WSDL interface, through which it can be invoked. The third artifact is XML Schema Definition (XSD) used by BPEL and WSDL.
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