Anthony Uchenna Azubuike

Sacrificial Hearts

As believers, we often find ourselves struggling with the gap between what we know we should do and what we actually do. We may understand the concept of God's unconditional love, but fail to extend that same love to others, especially those who are different from us or those who have hurt us. We may grasp the importance of forgiveness intellectually, but harbor resentment and bitterness in our hearts. We may desire to serve others selflessly, but find ourselves pulled back by our own self-interest and comfort.

This struggle is not new. The apostle Paul candidly shared his own battle in Romans 7:15, “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” The key to overcoming this struggle lies in complete surrender to Christ and allowing His love to transform us from the inside out.

Surrender is not a one-time event but a daily choice. It involves laying down our own will, desires, and rights at the foot of the cross and choosing to follow Christ's example of sacrificial love. This surrender opens the door for the Holy Spirit to work in us, producing the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22–23).

Walking in holy love every day is both a privilege and a responsibility. It's a privilege because it allows us to participate in the very nature of God, who is love (1 John 4:8). It's a responsibility because as bearers of God's image and ambassadors of Christ, we are called to represent His love to a broken world.

This book aims to take you on a transformative journey through 52 themes related to love. Each week, we'll explore a different aspect of love as revealed in Scripture and lived out in real life. From God's unconditional love to the triumph of love over death, we'll delve into the depths of what it means to love as Christ loved.

These themes are not mere theoretical concepts but practical truths that have the power to revolutionize our relationships, our communities, and our world. As we explore topics like loving our enemies, practicing forgiveness, demonstrating compassion, and persevering in love through trials, we'll be challenged to apply these truths in our daily lives.

Each theme is accompanied by a Bible text that anchors our exploration in God's Word. We'll unpack these verses, seeking to understand their context and implications for our lives today. The teachings that follow will help us grasp the depth and breadth of God's love and how we can reflect that love in our various relationships and circumstances.

The life applications provided are designed to move us from knowledge to action. They offer practical steps and reflective questions that encourage us to live out the love we're learning about. These applications call for repentance where necessary, challenging us to turn away from self-centered living and embrace the self-giving love of Christ.

To illustrate the transformative power of Christ-centered love, each theme includes a true life story. These real-world examples serve as inspiration and encouragement, showing us that walking in holy love is not only possible but also profoundly impactful.

The conclusion of each theme brings us back to the central call of surrendering our lives to Jesus Christ. It reminds us that our capacity to love comes not from our own strength, but from yielding ourselves fully to the One who is love incarnate.

Finally, each theme closes with a prayer, inviting us to bring our reflections, challenges, and commitments before God. These prayers are opportunities to express our dependence on God's grace and our desire to grow in love.
136 printed pages
Original publication
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