Brad Dude

Brad Dude has more than 40 years as a trainer, manager and consultant to clients in more than 30 countries. He has conducted temperament and leadership seminars for such organizations as NASA, Westinghouse, the Naval Surface Warfare Center, the National Credit Union Administration, the Graduate School USA and others.

Dude consults on organization development, staff training and strategic planning with a variety of clients in the government, nonprofit and private sectors. Other clients have included: Macro International, the U.S. Agency for International Development, Reconcile/New Orleans, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Department of Energy, Louisiana Council on Aging Director's Association, Steel Authority of India, the U.S. Department of Interior, and the Peace Corps.

Dude has written extensively about temperament and how it influences the behavior of leaders, managers and employees in organizations. He is the founding director of a 30-day leadership course that complements this book. The "Quick! I Need to Be a Leader in 30 Days!" certificate course combines live online instruction with practical assignments, experiential activities and individual support and assistance.

Explore this new leadership course at:
Brad Dude can be contacted via LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Check out his website:


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