
Hannah Arendt

  • Jailin Camposhas quotedlast year
    the new mass leaders whose careers reproduce the features of earlier mob leaders: failure in professional and social life, perversion and disaster in private life. The fact that their lives prior to their political careers had been failures, naively held against them by the more respectable leaders of the old parties, was the strongest factor in their mass appeal. It seemed to prove that individually they embodied the mass destiny of the time and that their desire to sacrifice everything for the movement, their assurance of devotion to those who had been struck by catastrophe, their determination never to be tempted back into the security of normal life, and their contempt for respectability were quite sincere and not just inspired by passing ambitions.
  • Jailin Camposhas quotedlast year
    everybody came out of the examination with the feeling that he belonged to a group of included which stood against an imaginary multitude of ineligibles. The same principle is confirmed in the Bolshevik movement through repeated party purges which inspire in everybody who is not excluded a reaffirmation of his inclusion.
  • Jailin Camposhas quotedlast year
    the so-called Bolshevik system has never been anything but a complete absence of system”;15
  • Jailin Camposhas quotedlast year
    The psychology of the double agent, who was willing to pay the price of a short life for the exalted existence of a few years at the peak,
  • Jailin Camposhas quotedlast year
    THE CONCENTRATION and extermination camps of totalitarian regimes serve as the laboratories in which the fundamental belief of totalitarianism that everything is possible is being verified.
  • Jailin Camposhas quoted2 years ago
    The more effective the chauvinistic propaganda, the easier it was to persuade public opinion of the necessity for a supranational structure which would rule from above and without national distinctions by a universal monopoly of power and the instruments of violence.
  • Jailin Camposhas quotedlast year
    At last Clemenceau convinced Jaurès that an infringement of the rights of one man was an infringement of the rights of all.
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