Vy Alechnavicius



Andrii Bondarhas quoted2 years ago
a UX designer will be busy with:
Team rituals (countless standups, retros and other agile scrum activities)
Attending long meetings or meetings that could have been an email
Dealing with organisational politics, which are always present to some extent
Trying to dodge but more often than not actually dealing with a curveball of something not working out as expected
Getting into proverbial wrestling matches with stakeholders, especially those who are difficult to work with
Bringing the core team and stakeholders up to speed on the latest user research outcomes
Constantly reminding the core team and stakeholders of actual user needs
Fighting for the real user needs
Deciding on appropriate steps for research and design activities
Making critical decisions while facing plenty of unknowns
Figuring out how to run enough research given the deadlines
Evangelising (or brawling) about what UX is and is not, as well as the value it brings
Balancing out stress and reward to prevent burnout
Balancing out priorities
Balancing out what needs to be done in the short, medium and long term
Working on learning, achieving and progressing their career while doing day to day UX
Working with often moving targets
Managing change within the project and the organisation
Making endless compromises
… And many more depending on the type, size, geographical location, culture and design maturity of the organisation.
To summarise all the above, UX is more about change management and organisational adoption of user centric methods than about actual design.
Andrii Bondarhas quoted2 years ago
Design the right thing: This means using ample quantitative insights, but more importantly qualitative insights, gathered from user research to determine what you need to design.
Design things right: This means that the process will include collaboration, compromise, and finding overlap between what the users desire, what the business needs to achieve in terms of viability and what's feasible technology-wise.
Design the right things + Design things right: Quality user experiences
Andrii Bondarhas quoted2 years ago
Frame the problem: Outline the problem area to target.
Define the hypotheses: Based on the evidence accumulated to date, identify what the potential opportunity areas to improve user experience are.
Plan the research: Cover the consideration, gaps, and possible targeting methods.
Conduct the research: Run the research effort.
Synthesise the research: Review, map, and assess the findings.
Share and action: Play back the findings, themes, and insights to inform the next steps
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