
Jane Rule

Jane Rule (1931–2007) was the author of several novels and essay collections, including the groundbreaking lesbian love story Desert of the Heart (1964),which was made into the feature film Desert Hearts. She was inducted into the Order of Canada in 2007. Born in New Jersey, Rule moved to Canada in 1956, and lived on Galiano Island, British Columbia, until her death at the age of seventy-six.



Dušica Gavrilovi殩™ Novi Pazar, Srbija ©®™has quotedlast year
THIS BOOK IS NOT intended to be a comprehensive literary or cultural history of lesbians.
Dušica Gavrilovi殩™ Novi Pazar, Srbija ©®™has quotedlast year
For anyone who wants to know what it is to be lesbian, this book offers as many answers as there are voices to speak.
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