Stephen Snyder

Stephen Snyder is a contributor to America's largest beer newspaper, Ale Street News. He lives in Perkinsville, VT.


Yokosquawhas quoted10 months ago
Though I’ve tried, I’ve found no way to fill in the voids left by the Memory Police.
;has quoted2 years ago
If your big toe becomes infected with gangrene, you cut it off as soon as you can. If you do nothing, you end up losing the whole leg. The principle is the same. The only difference is that you can’t touch or see memories, or get inside the hearts they’re kept in. Each one of us hides them away in secret.
;has quoted2 years ago
As it traversed the long rubber tube between the two funnels, all unnecessary sounds faded away, leaving only the soft, transparent liquid of his voice. I pressed my ear against the funnel, unwilling to waste even a single drop.
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