Sheldon Wright

The desire to make homemade Ice cream is not just for kids anymore. Adults enjoy it as well. Ask Sheldon Wright. He will tell you how much he loves making homemade ice cream. But it wasn't so fun trying to figure out which ice cream maker to buy because it wasn't really about the price for him so much as it was about the one with the most features or that looked the best. Finding a good ice cream maker guide was challenging; and he knows this is true for other people looking to buy one. This is what prompted him to do some comparison research on these machines and ultimately put out a guide book to help others in their process of buying the ice cream maker most suitable for them. It's obviously not rocket science; but you want to feel good about your purchase knowing that you've done your due diligence beforehand. Sheldon is quite pleased with the brand he has chosen and knows that you will be too.
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