John C.Parkin

  • Despandrihas quoted2 years ago
    Whereas when we operate from the right hemisphere, we’re more present, relaxed, playful, creative and overall more peaceful. Things don’t matter quite so much when we’re in our right brain.
  • Despandrihas quoted2 years ago
    So we finally do our own thing. For whatever reason, we stop ourselves from doing lots of things we’d like to because we think we shouldn’t.
  • Despandrihas quoted2 years ago
    Personally, I’ve always tasted it when I’ve contemplated the utter meaninglessness of my own existence. It’s a rush of freedom and it tastes good. If my life means so little, then F**k It, I might as well go for it and just have a laugh.
  • Despandrihas quoted2 years ago
    For the first time in my life, I lost all sense of meaning. I hated being alive. Every single moment I felt in pain. When you’re in pain, normally you can escape it in some way. Even if it means taking very strong painkillers. But the horrible dawning truth for me was that this was one pain I could not escape, because it was simply the pain of being alive.
  • Despandrihas quoted2 years ago
    Remember that we’re very simple beings, too: we tend to try to avoid pain and increase our own pleasure.
  • Despandrihas quoted2 years ago
    Even stuff closer to home: your boss being a buffoon, your partner being selfish, your children being lazy. Sure, you can leave your job, and your partner, and kick the kids outside to do a bit of good, healthy exercise. But until you’re ready to do these things, stop bloody moaning and accept things as they are.
  • Despandrihas quoted2 years ago
    Every single person has a unique GFUC, or Genetic Fucked‑Up Code. Most people are fucked up, but their fuck‑ups are completely different.
  • Despandrihas quotedlast year
    It’s worth thinking about how much you care about what other people think of you, not least because the moment you start to say F**k It to various things in your life, you’ll really start to wind people up. And it’s worth being ready for this.
  • Despandrihas quotedlast year
    F**k It to what people think of you.
  • Despandrihas quotedlast year
    Speak out (or write down) what you think other people think of you, and then follow it with a big F**K IT:
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