Carlyn Montes De Oca

Carlyn Montes De Oca is an acupuncturist, plant-based nutritional consultant, and animal advocate in private practice near San Francisco. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Loyola Marymount University in communication arts and a master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Emperor’s College. She is also certified in plant-based nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutritional Studies at Cornell University. She was voted PETA’s Sexiest Vegetarian Over 50 in 2011, and has been a spokesperson for the Guardian Campaign at In Defense of Animals. She is also the founder of The Animal-Human Health Connection, which focuses on bringing awareness to the many powerful ways that animals enhance human health, happiness, and longevity. Montes De Oca lives in Marin County with her husband, Ken, and her beloved rescue animals.
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