Cynthia Kim


Lizzette Canohas quoted8 months ago
I strongly recommend that you do as much additional research as necessary to make the choices that you feel are appropriate to your situation.
Lizzette Canohas quoted8 months ago
I’ve always known that I’m different. I’ve been labeled shy, weird, introverted, geeky. But what if I wasn’t just weird? What if this thing called Asperger’s explained everything about me that was different?

That was an exciting thought. If it was true, it gave me a whole new way of thinking about my life.
Lizzette Canohas quoted8 months ago
I wasn’t going to “outgrow” my social awkwardness. I wasn’t going to wake up one day and suddenly have a balanced emotional life. The challenges I faced weren’t imagined and they weren’t going to magically disappear. They were with me for life.

This is me. This is always going to be me. Forever.
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