
  • Vuyi Nenehas quoted2 years ago
    entitlement is laziness wrapped up in selfishness
  • Vuyi Nenehas quoted2 years ago
    selfishness. If you really want something, you have to work for it. Earn it.
  • Vuyi Nenehas quoted2 years ago
    entitlement is laziness wrapped up in selfishness. If you really want something, you have to work for it. Earn it.
  • Vuyi Nenehas quoted2 years ago
    You ended with a positive. You can tell a lot about how someone feels about a person by the way they end a statement, especially when they’re feeling conflicted about them.”
  • Vuyi Nenehas quoted2 years ago
    okay to cry if someone hurt me, but after the pain subsided, I needed to get up off the floor and dust myself off…because I didn’t belong there.
  • Димана Чапкъноваhas quoted2 years ago
    Knox’s face twists and he looks at me like I betrayed him somehow.


    Now we’re both hurting.
  • Arianne Balarbarhas quoted2 years ago
    What do you want?”
  • olswydhas quoted4 months ago
    Drawing a breath, I try to suck it in, but it’s no use. I could inhale until my lungs explode, but my belly will still extend beyond the waistband of my size eighteen jeans.

    Jealousy blooms in my chest as I look around the parking lot, taking in every pretty girl with a toned, flat abdomen
  • olswydhas quoted4 months ago
    Whoever said ignoring a bully was the best course of action was either a fucking idiot or someone who never experienced true torment
  • olswydhas quoted4 months ago
    Absurd and scary. I used to tell myself all this fat-shaming bullshit would end after high school, but now I’m beginning to think that asshole kids grow up to become even bigger asshole adults and society is doomed.
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