That’s life. We move from difficult age to difficult age. Just when we relax because one difficult time is over – wham – we get embroiled in the next one.’
mery rosehas quotedlast year
I still don’t know what I want to do when I grow up.’ Martha knew what he meant.
Nicole Tuccihas quotedlast year
‘The best, the funniest, cleverest, the most enjoyable writer in Scotland today.
gogolakovaviktoria5has quoted6 months ago
‘To be born with teeth is to be born with either a curse or a blessing to mankind’
alyzza judihas quotedlast year
I looked at Jenny, remembering her in her crib, the way her fingers played in mine, the way her cheek lay hot on my skin. I wished I had the power to give her safe passage through this life, but truth is, it would have taken a real witch to do that
bana Hitahas quoted5 months ago
Dot relinquished control and her mum slid four heaped teaspoons of sugar into her cup as if sliding muck from a spade, filling the cup to its brim.
Marijahas quotedlast year
Don’t argue. I’m right. I’m always right. I don’t get pleasure from this. In fact being constantly right is a burden.’
Aziza Mohammedhas quotedlast year
But then I think every age is a difficult age. That’s life. We move from difficult age to difficult age.