

DedAbdylhas quoted5 months ago
similar to the one found in the aftermath of the attack on the princess a few days ago. It had been embedded into the goblin’s forehead.”
“I’ve heard of such manastones,” the prince said. “They’re embedded into Goblin Emperors to give them power... Wait. What is this?! Are you telling me this was the Goblin Emperor’s manastone?!”
Goblin Emperors were created artificially. It was a taboo act that involved embedding a manastone into the skin of a goblin and pumping it with a vast amount of mana, until it became a monster with strength rivaling—or even exceeding—that of a Goblin King. As the process could easily spiral out of control, resulting in excessive amounts of damage and casualties, it and any experimentation related to it had been outlawed by many countries.
That much, the prince knew. However, the size and purity of the manastone before him made him doubt his own eyes. “How strong would a Goblin Emperor grow, with a manastone as pure as this? I can scarcely imagine it...”
“According to our scouts, the corpse was several times larger than an average Goblin King,” the man explained.
“It would be...” the prince muttered. “This manastone is simply abnormal.”
One rarely had the chance to see manas

похожий на тот, что был найден после нападения на принцессу несколько дней назад. Он был вделан в лоб гоблина.
“Я слышал о таких магических камнях", - сказал принц. “Они вживляются в тела императоров гоблинов, чтобы придать им силы... Ждать. Что это?! Ты хочешь сказать, что это был магический камень императора гоблинов?!”
Императоры гоблинов были созданы искусственно. Это было запретное действие, которое включало в себя вживление магического камня в кожу гоблина и накачку его огромным количеством маны, пока он не превращался в монстра, по силе сравнимого — или даже превосходящего — короля гоблинов. Поскольку этот процесс мог легко выйти из-под контроля, что привело бы к чрезмерному ущербу и человеческим жертвам, он и любые эксперименты, связанные с ним, были объявлены вне закона во многих странах.
Принц знал об этом. Однако размер и чистота магического камня перед ним заставили его усомниться в своих собственных глазах. “Насколько сильным мог бы стать император гоблинов, имея такой чистый магический камень, как этот? Я с трудом могу себе это представить...”
“По словам наших разведчиков, труп был в несколько раз больше среднего короля гоблинов”, - объяснил мужчина.
“Это было бы...” - пробормотал принц. “Этот камень просто ненормальный”.
Редко кому выпадал шанс увидеть манаса

DedAbdylhas quoted5 months ago
fragments of mithril—he quietly shook his head. Here and there, I could see moments of regret in his expression.
Instructor Noor was in pain thinking about Rolo’s upbringing—I was sure of it. I was ashamed of myself; I’d been blind to the boy’s circumstances at the beginning and had only worried for my own safety.
“Let’s go,” Instructor Noor said after a short while. “We’re in a hurry, right?”
“Let’s,” I replied. And with that, the four of us boarded our coach, which we’d left nearby.
Like Rolo had said, a great danger likely awaited us at the royal capital. The idea of confronting it willingly made me afraid...but with Instructor Noor at my side, the man who had slain a Black Death Dragon and repelled the legendary Deadman Zadu, maybe it didn’t matter what hardships lay in our path. Perhaps he would simply smash through them all.
I found myself hoping that would prove true.
Right now, my duty as the princess of the Kingdom of Clays was to stand my ground. I needed to escort my instructor—a man who in every way seemed like he’d stepped right out of a hero’s epic—to the royal capital, even if doing so cost me my life. As things stood, that was quite possibly the only thing I could do for my kingdom.
TG Kirkmanhas quoted25 days ago
The citizens of the Kingdom would follow his straightforward righteousness to the end, for human nature always looked to those with true integrity for guidance.
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