
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross


b6318707797has quotedlast year
of a loved one is a very depressing situation, and depression is a normal and appropriate response
b6318707797has quotedlast year
In terms of regrets around our loved one who died, if there are things you wish you’d said, know that you can still say them in your heart to your loved one. It’s never too late to say, “I’m sorry. Forgive me and I forgive you. I love you and I thank you.”

Im sorry for all the bad things that happened in the past, for lazy-strong willed-vengeful kids. I'm sorry, forgive me and i forgive for all the abandonment you've had done. I love you and i thank you

b6318707797has quotedlast year
It would be unrealistic to have done everything in life. It would also be just as unrealistic to have been perfect and have no regrets. Forgive yourself. ­Isn’t it true that if you could have made better choices, you would have? You did the best you could at that time of your life.
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