C.R. Jane

  • KIMBERLYhas quotedlast year
    I was feeling more and more anxious the longer we drove.
  • KIMBERLYhas quotedlast year
    An Emily Brontë quote got caught in my head. "If you ever looked at me once with what I know is in you, I would be your slave."
  • Marian Alexiahas quoted2 years ago
    “Oh fuck. Look at him, he’s already improving just from the scent of your arousal filling the room,” Ash purred. I reluctantly tore my eyes off his dick and looked up at his face. Oh. His color really did look like it was already getting better.

    “Touch yourself, princess,” Ash ordered. “Fill the room with the scent of your perfect dripping cunt.”

    My pussy gushed at his words.

    “You like that,” Ash growled, his voice growing deep and husky. “Fuck, you smell so good.”

    Ash’s voice may have been a sexy soundtrack to the moment, but all my attention was focused on Seven, whose color was continuing to rapidly improve.

    I slipped my hands down the front of myself, watching his reaction carefully as my fingers slid through my slick folds.
  • Marian Alexiahas quoted2 years ago
    I teased him a bit, dragging his tip through my folds, loving how desperate he looked.

    “Please,” he gasped.

    “Please what?” I teased.

    “Please fuck me,” he begged. It was a heady thing, having this glorious creature literally desperate for me.

    Ash chuckled darkly behind me, his breath puffing against my neck. “Don’t be mean, sweetheart. He did almost die, after all.” His hands went to my hips, gripping and massaging them as Seven stared at me worshipfully.

    “Well, I guess when you put it that way.” I dropped down on Seven’s thick cock slowly, because the stretch was beyond intense. Ash guided my movements.
  • Marian Alexiahas quoted2 years ago
    A flavor that was a mix between strawberries and bananas hit my tongue, and I moaned delightedly as I swallowed, jumping when a shock slid down my spine. My body immediately began to feel light and happy, and the garish red light didn’t seem nearly as intimidating.

    “Um, Ash, what drink did you give her?” Seven asked, cocking his head as he stared at me in alarm. I smiled at him goofily. I just loved him so much.

    “You love him, huh?” asked Ash huskily, his eyes beginning to glow. “What about me?”

    Sigh. I loved him too.

    “Creed, what the fuck did you order?” snapped Tempest as Creed appeared, finally back from the bar. Why did he seem so distressed?

    “Creed, you’re back, honey,” I purred, lurching forward and trying to throw my arms around Creed’s neck. Except…he was so fucking tall. Maybe if I climbed him?

    “I thought the pink one was just ethernium. She shouldn’t have felt it at all,” commented Ash, but I wasn’t following what they were talking about anymore—I just wanted Creed to hold me.

    “Honey. I like that,” murmured Creed as he finally gave me what I wanted and picked me up. I nuzzled against his cheek. He was so handsome. My handsome monster. Mine. Mine. Mine.

    I heard the rest of them chuckling, and I frowned as I tried to think of a way I could hold all of them at once.
  • Marian Alexiahas quoted2 years ago
    “Smells like ethernium,” he muttered, before taking a sip. “Fuck,” he said as he swallowed, his gaze turning dreamy as he stared at all of us and took another long drink.

    “I love you guys,” he said after a moment in the cutest, softest voice I could imagine.

    “You’ve got to be shitting me,” snapped Tempest, ripping the drink out of Seven’s hand and throwing it to the ground. He stalked towards the bar.

    “Where’s he going?” I sighed as I began to smother Creed’s face with kisses, loving the way his chest was rumbling with laughter against me.

    I felt a warm body behind me and sighed when Seven began to nuzzle my neck. I loved getting this type of attention from him. I moaned and Creed stiffened against me. He gently extricated my arms from around his neck and pushed me into Seven’s arms. “What’s wrong?” I asked Creed even as Seven and I began to cuddle and exchange kisses.

    “I have a lot of self-discipline, pet. But you making those noises and rubbing up against me is one way to break that discipline fast,” he explained. I huffed and heard Ash snort.

    Seven licked the side of my cheek, and I giggled. “I wish you could always be like this,” I said with a sigh as I ran my hands through his hair. “I love you…like this.”

    “Crazy about you, sweetheart,” Seven purred.

    “The ethernium bottle was spiked,” Tempest said with a huff as he stomped up to me, tipping up my chin and looking into my eyes.

    “Spiked?” asked Creed with a frown.

    “Someone put fenderroot in it. There was residue on the inside of the bottle that hadn’t dissolved.”

    “Well, that explains this,” Ash said, amused. “We might as well leave. Fenderroot takes hours to wear off. We’re just lucky that Seven’s not trying to fuck her on the floor right now.”

    “That sounds wonderful,” I sighed as Seven nibbled on my neck.

    Creed’s laugh floated around me, cocooning me in its warmth.

    “We don’t need to leave. It will just make her more comfortable,” I heard Tempest insist as Seven slipped a finger underneath the small covering over my nipple, softly rubbing it.

    “More,” I insisted, rubbing up against his hard dick that I could feel underneath his covering.

    “Alright, you two,” said Ash, grabbing me out of Seven’s arms. Seven growled and tried to pull me back. “This isn’t happening tonight, Tempest. Get your head out of your ass.”

    Ash began to stalk towards the entrance as I began to play with his hair, staring over his shoulder at the others. Seven followed us, his gaze locked on me as if I was the center of his universe. It was a heady feeling. I held out my hand to him, wanting him to be closer. I wanted them all to be closer.

    Tempest was arguing with Creed about something, but I was starting to get hot…and achy.
  • arxas asmrhas quoted4 months ago
    Why were men such fucking douchebags?
  • arxas asmrhas quoted4 months ago
    Because a person as broken and worthless as me, he didn't deserve the stars to align like this. He didn't deserve a goddess like her.

    But there was no part of me that cared.

    Deserving or not… She was going to be mine.
  • b4153725320has quoted8 months ago
    It's a thing I do. Well, a thing I collect," he explained. "I try to get a trashy t-shirt from every country I visit."
    "How many do you have?" I asked, giggling at the thought of this veritable god having a closet somewhere stuffed with corny t-shirts. I tried picturing him in one, but my mind couldn't quite wrap around the thought.
    He chuckled, probably at the look on my face. The sound reverberated right through me, stoking the flames inside that I was trying desperately to suppress. I didn't want to jump the man after all, and I was really close to that.
    "Fifty-three?" he mused, stroking his lips with his thumb as he thought about it...I found myself strangely jealous of that thumb. "Well, I guess fifty-four as soon as this piece of art is paid for.”
    "Well, your reason for buying this shirt is far better than my clumsiness."
    I rifled through the shirts, looking for my size. Once I found it, I turned around and almost dropped it when I found him staring at me intensely, all the earlier lightheartedness completely gone. He was studying me closely…clinically, like he was tearing off the layers of my skin to see what was inside.
    I hoped he didn’t venture too far down, he would only be disappointed when he got to my insides and found there was nothing but empty space.
    What did it say about me that this small glimpse of the darker side of him only made me more attracted?
    "Well," I began awkwardly. "Enjoy your shirt," I finished lamely, wanting to slap myself in the face for not being able to come up with something wittier.
    "I hope you can find another coffee before your flight," he said charmingly as he reached past me and began to look through the shirts.
    I was far more reluctant to leave his side than I would've liked as I headed towards the cashier stand to pay for my shirt. The bored-looking clerk quickly rang up my purchase, snapping her gum loudly as she did so. I forced myself not to wince. I’d always hated the sound of chewing. Chewing gum. Chewing food. It all drove me mad. Just another one of the little idiosyncrasies that set me apart from the rest of society.
    I grabbed the shirt, not bothering to have her bag it since I would just be putting it on, and strode towards the exit, furtively looking around to see if I could get one more glimpse of him. He was still by the shirts, and he didn't turn around when I strode past him.
    That was really okay, though; the backside of him was almost as good as the front.
    As soon as I stepped out of the store, it all came rushing back. Where I was going. The fact that technically I was an engaged woman… It would take a minute to get used to that. I waited for the rush of guilt to hit me, since I'd spent the last two weeks after finding out about this whole arranged marriage trying to wrap my mind around the idea of becoming a stranger's wife.
    Nope. Nothing. Not a flicker of guilt that I was just lusting crazily over a stranger.
    My mum would be so disappointed, God bless her distracted, oblivious soul.

    E un lucru pe care îl fac. Ei bine, un lucru pe care îl colectez", a explicat el. "Încerc să obțin un tricou de gunoi din fiecare țară pe care o vizitez."
    "Câți ai?"Am întrebat, chicotind la gândul că acest adevărat Dumnezeu are un dulap undeva umplut cu tricouri ciudate. Am încercat să-l imaginez într-unul, dar mintea mea nu a putut să-și încheie gândul.
    A chicotit, probabil la privirea de pe fața mea. Sunetul a reverberat chiar prin mine, alimentând flăcările din interior pe care încercam cu disperare să le Suprim. Nu am vrut să sar pe om până la urmă și am fost foarte aproape de asta.
    "Cincizeci și trei?"a meditat, mângâindu-și buzele cu degetul mare în timp ce se gândea la asta...M-am trezit ciudat de gelos pe degetul acela. "Ei bine, cred că cincizeci și patru de îndată ce această piesă de artă este plătită.”
    "Ei bine, motivul pentru care ai cumpărat această cămașă este mult mai bun decât stângăcia mea."
    M-am strecurat prin cămăși, căutându-mi Mărimea. Odată ce l-am găsit, m-am întors și aproape că l-am scăpat când l-am găsit uitându-se intens la mine, toată inima ușoară anterioară dispărută complet. Mă studia îndeaproape ... clinic, ca și cum mi-ar fi smuls straturile pielii ca să vadă ce era înăuntru.
    Am sperat că nu se va aventura prea departe în jos, va fi dezamăgit doar când va ajunge în interiorul meu și va descoperi că nu există decât spațiu gol.
    Ce a spus despre mine că această mică privire a laturii întunecate a lui nu m-a făcut decât să mă atragă mai mult?
    "Ei bine", am început penibil. "Bucură-te de cămașa ta", am terminat șchiop, dorind să mă plesnesc în față pentru că nu am putut veni cu ceva mai înțelept.
    "Sper că puteți găsi o altă cafea înainte de zbor", a spus el fermecător când a trecut pe lângă mine și a început să se uite prin cămăși.
    Am fost mult mai reticente să părăsească partea lui decât mi-ar fi plăcut ca m-am îndreptat spre standul casier să plătească pentru cămașa mea. Funcționarul cu aspect plictisit mi-a sunat repede achiziția, rupându-și guma tare în timp ce făcea asta. M-am forțat să nu tresar. Întotdeauna am urât sunetul mestecării. Guma de mestecat. Mâncare de mestecat. Totul m-a înnebunit. Doar încă una dintre micile idiosincrazii care mă diferențiază de restul societății.
    Am apucat cămașa, fără să mă deranjez să-i iau geanta, deoarece aș fi pus-o și m-am îndreptat spre ieșire, uitându-mă pe furiș în jur pentru a vedea dacă aș mai putea să-l văd. Era încă lângă cămăși și nu s-a întors când am trecut pe lângă el.
    A fost foarte bine, totuși; partea din spate a lui era aproape la fel de bună ca partea din față.
    De îndată ce am ieșit din magazin, totul s-a repezit înapoi. Unde mă duceam. Faptul că tehnic eram o femeie logodită ... ar dura un minut să mă obișnuiesc cu asta. Am așteptat ca graba de vinovăție să mă lovească, deoarece mi-am petrecut ultimele două săptămâni după ce am aflat despre toată această căsătorie aranjată încercând să-mi înfășor mintea în jurul ideii de a deveni soția unui străin.
    Nope. Nimic. Nu o pâlpâire de vinovăție pe care doar o pofteam nebunește peste un străin.
    Mama mea ar fi atât de dezamăgit, Dumnezeu să binecuvânteze sufletul ei distras, orb.

  • arxas asmrhas quoted4 months ago
    just met you and I already feel like I’m losing my mind,” she whispered.

    I tilted my head, studying her intently. "Well, at least I’m not alone then," I responded
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