He gave it to me without hesitation and I understood that in this small space of time we had mutually surrendered our loneliness and replaced it with trust
jana ౨ৎhas quotedlast year
I have lived for love, I have lived for Art.
jana ౨ৎhas quotedlast year
But as time passed I came to experience a different kind of prayer, a silent one, requiring more listening than speaking.
jana ౨ৎhas quotedlast year
I was completely smitten by the book. I longed to read them all, and the things I read of produced new yearnings.
jana ౨ৎhas quotedlast year
But the urge to express myself was my strongest desire,
jana ౨ৎhas quotedlast year
I reflected on the fact that no matter how good I aspired to be, I was never going to achieve perfection.
jana ౨ৎhas quotedlast year
We used to laugh at our small selves, saying that I was a bad girl trying to be good and that he was a good boy trying to be bad.
jana ౨ৎhas quotedlast year
I vexed my teachers with my precocious reading ability paired with an inability to apply it to anything they deemed practical.
jana ౨ৎhas quotedlast year
One by one they noted in my reports that I daydreamed far too much, was always somewhere else.