
Iris Chang


namjoons lasttiddiehas quoted2 years ago
The Japanese outdid the Romans at Carthage (only 150,000 died in that slaughter), the Christian armies during the Spanish Inquisition, and even some of the monstrosities of Timur Lenk, who killed 100,000 prisoners at Delhi in 1398 and built two towers of skulls in Syria in 1400 and 1401.
namjoons lasttiddiehas quoted2 years ago
It is certainly true that in the twentieth century, when the tools of mass murder were fully refined, Hitler killed about 6 million Jews, and Stalin more than 40 million Russians, but these deaths were brought about over some few years. In the Rape of Nanking the killing was concentrated within a few weeks.
namjoons lasttiddiehas quoted2 years ago
What strengthened much of this newly emerging activism was the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989
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