Chrissie Bentley

Deep within America’s mystical Delmarva Peninsula, author and architect Chrissie Bentley collects vintage erotica, believes in ghosts and has a sweet tooth that even her dentist admires. Addicted to writing since she was young, she ran out of time to do everything she wanted so she created a pseudonym to take up the slack. Jenny Swallows blogs furiously, haunts Facebook and composes obscene poetry, leaving Chrissie free to write stories, pay the bills and feed the cats.
Visit to find out more about her, or just write and ask - she loves getting messages, and adores exchanging memories and anecdotes.
Described as “apocalyptic” by The Paris Review, Chrissie’s novel The Nympho Librarian & Other Stories was a 2012 best-seller on Amazon’s chart of books with the word “librarian” in the title; among over a dozen other novels and collections, her other works include Miss America: A BDSM Vampire Tale; the supernatural erotica of Below Blue London (“Bow Bells with blowjobs” is her succinct summary); and three collections of Ambrose Horne’s Victorian sex-detective stories published by Xcite.
Her latest, a semi-fictional study of the blue movie industry in London in the late 1960s will be published later this year.
Chrissie’s short stories have also appeared in Best Women’s Erotica 2012, the Mammoth Book of Lesbian Erotica, The Bad Girl’s Sweet Kiss (published by Xcite and co-edited with Miranda Forbes), various editions of Xcite’s Cocktales series and many more.
And when she’s not listening to Garbage, Jem and Broadcast CDs, playing with the cats or torturing her boyfriend (in the nicest possible way), she’ll probably have her nose buried away in Second Life. Where she writes stories, listens to Garbage, Jem and Broadcast, plays with cats... hmmm. I think we're seeing a pattern here.
Find her at:
Her blog:
Her Facebook:
And as her alter-ego on Twitter: @jennyswallows
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