bookmate game

Helena Hunting

  • Анна Карпычеваhas quoted2 years ago
    “You can’t blackball people out of a book club.”

    “Says who? I was happy reading mindless smut
  • Анна Карпычеваhas quoted2 years ago
    I slip off the bed, feeling exposed as I search for my Spidey pants. Without glasses, everything more than five feet away is an indistinct blur.

    “Hey, what are you doing?” Alex stands and catches my wrist. He’s naked and glorious, and I’m naked and . . . well, me, and therefore self-conscious.

    “Trying to find my clothes since you’re sending a key up.” I finally spot the blue and red smudge under the black spot on the floor, which must be Alex’s pants.

    When I reach for them, his hold on my wrist tightens. “What? No! You think I want you to leave? I’m not an asshole. I thought it would be easier to get a key before we pass out. I’ll set a wake-up call for you if you want to stay. I want you to stay.” He runs a hand through his sex-messed hair. If he wasn’t naked with his semisoft monster cock hanging out, he might be cute. He’s not, though; he’s gorgeous and flustered.

    With no prior one-night stand experience, I can’t say what protocol is in this situation. Against my better judgment, I want to stay. In case he wants to do it again.

    He takes my face in his hands; his palms are wide and warm. His lips are soft on mine when he kisses me. “Don’t go yet, Violet. Please?”


    He steps closer, his cock twitching against my stomach. He can’t possibly get hard again seeing as he just came.

    “So sweet.” He runs his nose across my cheek and kisses my neck. “I’d keep you here all weekend if we didn’t have to leave tomorrow.”
  • Анна Карпычеваhas quoted2 years ago
    I take the empty seat beside Darren. His brow furrows as he sniffs. “You smell like stale sex.” Darren has been my wingman on and off the ice for the past several years. He’s fully aware last night was an anomaly.

    I shrug, passing it off like it’s nothing. As much as I needed a shower, in a sick way, I’m glad I didn’t have time. All I smell is Violet.

    Kirk pops up from the seat behind me. “Who’d you bang last night?”

    “Some chick I met in the elevator.” My stomach turns. No matter how this plays out, I look like an asshole, and right now I deserve the title.

    “Oh, yeah? Only one? No Hat Trick?”

    Darren rolls his eyes, and I mumble a noncommittal response
  • Анна Карпычеваhas quoted2 years ago
    When I return to the living room the topic has changed significantly. Alex’s back is to me, and Buck is laughing. “This girl is pretty much up for anything, so I’m hoping her friends are, too.”

    Neither of them has noticed me. I hold my breath, waiting for Alex’s response.

    His laugh is hard, his tone cocky. “Gotta love the wild ones, eh? Especially when they come back for more.”

    I want to vomit. We’ve been making out, and he’s discussing Buck’s “regulars.” I’m probably a stop on the way to the next bunny.

    I hold up Buck’s wallet. “Forget anything else? Your biohazard suit?”

    Alex spins around. I’m sure my expression tells him how much I’ve overheard. I can’t even look at him.
  • Анна Карпычеваhas quoted2 years ago
    I throw open the door. “Why are you here? Don’t you have a hooker to fuck?”

    He kicks at the door jamb, shoulders slumped. “I don’t pay for sex.”

    I don’t care if I’ve hurt his feelings. I’m so pissed at myself, and Buck, and Alex for my current predicament. I’m angry and more confused than I was before Alex showed up at my door. He was so sweet up until now and contrary to the media portrayal of him. Maybe that’s his thing. Maybe he gets off on messing with women.

    “Would you like me to throw confetti for you?” Buck holds the door open. I lean against it and get nowhere. I hate Buck and his huge hairy arms and bulging muscles.

    “I think Waters likes you.”

    A useless blossom of hope forms in my chest. I tromp on it with tabloid images of other girls wrapped around Alex and his uncensored comment to Buck.

    “I’m not interested in your disgusting friends.” Not anymore, anyway. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to be left alone. I have work to do.” I push on the door. This time he lets go and shouts when it hits him in the face.

    As soon as Buck leaves, Alex calls me repeatedly. He must have me on redial. Annoyed, I turn off the phone and toss it on my bed. I’m not interested in anything Alex has to say
  • Анна Карпычеваhas quoted2 years ago
    “Can I get you, anything? Coffee? Water? Fresh-squeezed orange juice.”

    I swear I hear a hand job come from behind me. Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me.

    “I’m good. I already got what I came for.” I turn to Violet, pushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear. Even her ears are pretty. “I’ll see you at five.”

    “Okay.” She blushes and touches her hair, her smile suddenly shy.

    Score one for Waters
  • Анна Карпычеваhas quoted2 years ago
    “Charlene told off Alex Waters!” Jimmy says, gesturing wildly to the empty hall.

    I gape in disbelief. “Charlene did what?”

    “I didn’t tell him off. I gently suggested he watch his ass or he’ll have me to deal with.”

    “You didn’t.” I palm my face, mortified.

    “He seemed very agreeable. All he did was nod a lot and apologize. I also asked if he could introduce me to Darren when you two are done making up. He offered to send tickets to the next home game, provided I bring you.” Charlene is all smiles
  • Анна Карпычеваhas quoted2 years ago
    “I thought we were meeting at the coffee shop.”

    “I thought we could walk over together.”

    “And you didn’t want me to stand you up?”

    His smile is lopsided, one dimple popping out. “Something like that.”

    “I could still run.”

    “You could try. I’m pretty fast if I’m chasing after something I want.”

    The butterflies flitting around in my stomach reach tornado level flutters. Images of him moving across the ice, power and speed propelling him forward, come to mind. Alex chasing after me with the same kind of singular, intense focus is a huge turn on.
  • Анна Карпычеваhas quoted2 years ago
    A bouncer puts a hand up to stop me, controlling the flow of traffic into the section the Hawks occupy.

    “She’s with me.” Alex’s palm comes to rest on the small of my back as we move forward. His voice is low, burning like DEET over my skin. “I want to talk to you.”

    All my witty retorts stick in my throat. There’s no escape; he’s right behind me, allowing no space.

    In full bullshit-gentleman style, he leads me to the table, pulls out a chair, and takes the seat to my right.

    My new buddy Kirk is on the opposite side of the table, his arm hanging casually across an open seat. “Hey, stepsister. I saved you a chair.”

    Alex shoots him a look. “She’s good where she is.”
  • Анна Карпычеваhas quoted2 years ago
    Eventually I can’t contain myself any longer. I want him to refute what I heard in the women’s restroom. “So what’s with all the talk about you being magical?”

    His damn grin appears. “I’m sorry, what?”

    “Some girls in the bathroom were making reference to a hat trick.”

    Alex blanches. The guy beside him, who’s been relatively quiet up until now, chokes on his beer, and Kirk laughs. Alex swallows thickly, eyes on the table. A couple of the guys closest to us appear amused. The quiet one beside him shakes his head.

    “It didn’t sound like they were talking hockey scores. So I’m curious, what does that mean, exactly?”

    He doesn’t respond right away, giving Kirk the opportunity to cut in. “It’s when Waters fucks three different bunnies in one night.”

    The words are slow to filter. I turn to Alex to ascertain whether this can possibly be true. His silence is a foghorn blast of confirmation.

    I plaster on a smile. “Oh. Aren’t you special.”

    I don’t need Ipecac syrup to save me from the horror show this evening has become. My stomach rolls at this information. I’ve had sex with a super-whore. I push away from the table. I think I might actually be sick
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