Dilsa Saunders Bailey

Dilsa Saunders Bailey has been writing as a hobby since she was thirteen years old. Her first short story was The Long and Winding Road, a suspense-filled story involving two teens lost on a road. It was a writing assignment for the eighth grade and she received an A+. She was thrilled with creating stories with the written word, but eventually decided not to pursue writing as a career. Bailey has always been involved in writing newsletters, business plans, etc. for her employers and as a member for various clubs and organizations.Her careers have taken her on many paths and back to her first love writing. Dilsa is a Director of Medical Staff Services in a Tenet hospital. She is a licensed realtor and a public speaker. She belongs to an award winning Toastmasters Club and various professional organizations. Her favorite past-times these days are blogging on www.simplydilsa.com about self-publishing and working creatively on many soon-to-be published works. She also offers her services as a speaker and a content writer for other websites and blogs.Dreams Thrown Away is her first published novel. The Shadow Shorts Trilogy was her first published e-book that will be released again before the end of 2009. She is currently working on two sequels to Dreams Thrown Away. "
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