
John Tierney

John Marion Tierney is a journalist who has worked for the New York Times since 1990.Tierney writes a science column, Findings, and the TierneyLab blog for the Times. The TierneyLab takes a contrarian view about science and society:The Lab's work is guided by two founding principles:  1. Just because an idea appeals to a lot of people doesn't mean it's wrong.  2. But that's a good working theory.Tierney identifies himself as a libertarian, and has become increasingly identified with libertarianism. His columns have been critical of rent stabilization, the war on drugs, Amtrak and compulsory recycling. His 1996 article "Recycling Is Garbage" broke the New York Times Magazine's hate mail record. (Further information can be found at Wikipedia, and at the author's biographical page at the New York Times.)
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