Layne Fargo

  • zafiroboliviahas quoted2 years ago
    This is the most I’ve ever heard out of Tyler Elkin’s mouth. When he bothered to show up to my class, he grunted one-word answers, slumping down in his seat with his legs sprawled across the aisle like he didn’t give a damn how much space he took up.
    They never do, men like him.
  • zafiroboliviahas quoted2 years ago
    I’m always starving after a kill, even the ones that don’t require physical exertion
  • zafiroboliviahas quoted2 years ago
    His entire life taught him that he was special, that consequences didn’t apply, that he’d pass with flying colors even if he turned in his midterm two weeks late. Even in his final moments, I doubt he learned his lesson. But I didn’t kill him to teach him a lesson; I killed him to carve him out of this world like a tumor. And I’d do it again.
  • zafiroboliviahas quotedlast year
    Kinnear doesn’t really want the fellowship. He just doesn’t want me to have it.

    Men being men

  • zafiroboliviahas quotedlast year
    But the way Kinnear stared at me as I took my seat in the interview room immediately punctured my confidence. Later I overheard him commenting on my “great legs” to one of his older male colleagues, and I deflated entirely. I took the job, but I never wore that outfit again.
  • zafiroboliviahas quotedlast year
    Come January, I’ll be in London doing career-defining research, and Kinnear will be rotting in his grave.

    Rooting for you

  • zafiroboliviahas quotedlast year
    Kinnear is using his professorial voice now, the better to mansplain my own academic specialty to me.
  • zafiroboliviahas quotedlast year
    Typical, that he chooses to call her “Lady Vance”—replacing her name with her title by marriage.
  • zafiroboliviahas quotedlast year
    They never see the murder in my eyes.

    Because men don’t look into your eyes

  • zafiroboliviahas quotedlast year
    It adds fuel to the fire of my rage, hearing her apologize for them.
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