Amy & Paul run from 1993's Harrison Ford/Tommy Lee Jones thriller The Fugitive! They praise an action film where the lead characters wear sensible shoes, compare Jones' performance to the actors he beat out for an Oscar, and take a close look at the two line exchange that sums up the whole movie. Plus: Is U.S. Marshals a worthy sequel?
Next week Unspooled's summer blockbuster series continues with The Hangover! You can join the conversation for this series on the Unspooled Facebook Group at, and on Paul’s Discord at Learn more about the show at, follow us on Twitter @unspooled and Instagram @unspooledpod, and don’t forget to rate, review & subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher and Spotify. You can also listen to our Stitcher Premium game show Screen Test right now at, and apply to be a contestant at! Photo credit: Kim Troxall