Go to google.com, search for a USA female name, you can always get names from www.fakenamegenerator.com, input the name on google search and click on images when results are generated. Then choose a good looking picture.
Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted4 years ago
Something about You: Add the details of what you are going to be offering and don’t forget to present yourself as an expert in your field
Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted4 years ago
Level 2 Make 50 sales over a 2-month
Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted4 years ago
Be active on Fiverr for 30 days & make 10 sales to automatically be promoted to this level.
Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted4 years ago
Exceptional customer care Community leadership Receive insider access for Fiverr sellers Access to beta features VIP support
Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted4 years ago
Top-Rated Seller Manually chosen by Fiverr moderators based on these factors: Seniority Volume of sales Extremely high rating
Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted4 years ago
You can have as many accounts as you can manage.
Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted4 years ago
Choose a username that looks good. Most of the time the niche related names like SEOking,graphicsguys, smartdesigns, wordpressguru, backlinkpro, etc are all cool.
Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted4 years ago
But casual names and nicknames like rosewayne, petermora, greatvick, goodguy, etc are great as well. The advantage of the other ones over the
Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted4 years ago
first ones is that you can easily get away with selling different unrelated stuffs in one account. The first ones can also give you an edge over the second because people/customers will easily recognize you as a master in the niche.