“None of us lives for oneself, and no one dies for oneself,” writes St. Paul (Rom 14:7). “If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it; if one part is honored, all the parts share its joy. Now you are Christ’s body, and individually parts of it” (1 Cor 12:26–27). The Church always understands the demands of solidarity in their spiritual context, for human solidarity is founded on the communion of saints. The Christian, in working for justice and peace, is to ground this activity in its relation to the sharing of the spiritual goods of the faith. “In spreading the spiritual goods of the faith, the Church has promoted, and often opened new paths for, the development of temporal goods as well” (CCC 1942), and thus verified the Lord’s own words, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides” (Mt 6:33).