Amol Nayak

MongoDB Cookbook

  • DDaudalagidhas quoted2 years ago
    This is due to the fact that Mongo does not scan the remaining documents once the number of documents specified in the limit function is reached.
  • DDaudalagidhas quoted2 years ago
    Take a note of the cursor, n, nscannedObjects, and millis fields in the result of the explain plan operation
  • DDaudalagidhas quoted2 years ago
    The skip function skips the given number of documents from the result set, all the way up to the end document in the result set. The limit function then limits the result to the given number of documents.
  • DDaudalagidhas quoted2 years ago
    The first one is {}, which is the query to select the documents; in this case, we will ask Mongo to select all the documents.
Drag & drop your files (not more than 5 at once)