Frank Navratil's new book, “Iridology: For Your Eyes Only” is a comprehensive, easy to understand and complete study of Iridology, with over 200 colour slides plus diagrams and case studies for the beginner or advanced Iridology student / health professional and is one of the best books of its kind on the subject of Iridology, an excellent natural diagnostic method by analyzing the human iris. Now in paperback, full color, 158 pages.
The best of this book includes:
Genetic Iris Constitutions
Eye colors and what they mean
Iris maps
A complete study of iridology
Over 200 color plates of iris, pupil and sclera signs
Real case studies
Iridology and all the major body systems
How to find the root of disease
Psychological signs found in the iris
The essential processes of life
Natural healing methods
Diet and lifestyle changes for a long and healthy life