When you attain control of the internal direction of your attention, you will no longer stand in shallow water, but will launch out into the deep of life. You will walk in the assumption of the wish fulfilled as on a foundation more solid even than earth
Stephanie Sieberthas quoted4 years ago
all progress comes from those who do not take the accepted view, nor accept the world as it is. As was stated heretofore, if you can imagine what you please, and if the forms of your thought are as vivid as the forms of nature, you are, by virtue of the power of your imagination, master of your fate.
Stephanie Sieberthas quoted4 years ago
The great secret of success is to focus the attention on the feeling of the wish fulfilled without permitting any distraction
Stephanie Sieberthas quoted4 years ago
Concentrated observation of one thing shuts out other things and causes them to disappear
Stephanie Sieberthas quoted4 years ago
Therefore, when you know what you want, you must deliberately focus your attention on the feeling of your wish fulfilled until that feeling fills the mind and crowds all other ideas out of consciousness.
Stephanie Sieberthas quoted4 years ago
Therefore, when you know what you want, you must deliberately focus your attention on the feeling of your wish fulfilled until that feeling fills the mind and crowds all other ideas out of consciousness
Stephanie Sieberthas quoted4 years ago
You are limited only by your uncontrolled imagination and lack of attention to the feeling of your wish fulfilled. When
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Stephanie Sieberthas quoted4 years ago
The Truth that sets you free is that you can experience in imagination what you desire to experience in reality, and by maintaining this experience in imagination, your desire will become an actuality
Stephanie Sieberthas quoted4 years ago
When you understand the redemptive function of imagination, you hold in your hands the key to the solution of all your problems
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Stephanie Sieberthas quoted4 years ago
thinking FROM the ideal instead OF thinking of the ideal. Every state is already there as “mere possibilities” as long as we think OF them, but as overpoweringly real when we think FROM them].