James Baldwin

Another Country

  • Natalie Galindohas quoted8 years ago
    The life you think you should want,’ said Eric, ‘is always the life that looks safest.
  • b0226945195has quotedlast year
    And she carried him, as the sea will carry a boat: with a slow, rocking and rising and falling motion, barely suggestive of the violence of the deep.
  • James Matiashas quoted8 years ago
    A sign advertised the chewing gum which would help one to relax and keep smiling. An hotel’s enormous neon name challenged the starless sky. So did the names of movie stars and people currently appearing or scheduled to appear on Broadway, along with the mile-high names of the vehicles which would carry them into immortality. The great buildings, unlit, blunt like the phallus or sharp like the spear, guarded
  • angelicamorales524has quoted8 years ago
    Somewhere in his heart the black boy hated the white boy because he was white.
  • maggiepecorinohas quoted8 years ago
    ‘Sweetheart, suffering doesn’t have a colour. Does it? Can’t we step out of this nightmare?
  • Andy Torreshas quoted5 days ago
    oneself. Many people had vanished, of course, had returned to the havens from which they had fled. But many others were still visible, had turned into lushes or junkies or had embarked on a nerve-rattling pursuit of the perfect psychiatrist; were vindictively married and progenitive and fat; were dreaming the same dreams they had dreamed ten years before, clothed these in the same arguments, quoted the same masters; and dispensed, as they hideously imagined, the same charm they had possessed before their teeth began to fail and their hair began to fall. They were more hostile now than they had been, this was the loud, inescapable change in their tone and the only vitality left in their eyes.
  • Andy Torreshas quoted5 days ago
    There was something frightening about the aspect of old friends, old lovers, who had, mysteriously, come to nothing. It argued the presence of some cancer which had been operating in them, invisibly, all along and which might, now, be operating in
  • Andy Torreshas quoted5 days ago
    You act like you don’t know who you are.’
  • Andy Torreshas quoted5 days ago
    Nobody wants to hear my story.’
  • Andy Torreshas quoted5 days ago
    Listen. If I go with you, it’s going to be a whole lot of who shot John because I’m black and you’re white. You dig? I’m telling it to you like it is.’
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