Based on more than a decade of the author's successful workshops, this book expands and refines the unique combination of the hands-on healing modality of Reiki with the life-changing shamanic journey. The resulting knowledge is presented clearly and concisely, making it possible for those with no previous background in Reiki or shamanism to understand, appreciate, and enjoy the teachings while those more experienced can glean new insight for their own healing work. Providing generous examples of shamanic journeying beyond ordinary reality and citing hundreds of case studies from the author's own private practice, this reference also lists Internet references for further research.. For Reiki practitioners, this book will expand their knowledge and ability exponentially by explaining visualization techniques as applied to the needs of clients; for shamanic practitioners, this opens whole new realms, with the shamanic journey explained in greater, practical detail.. For novices of energy medicine, this book offers a wealth of new perspectives and ideas about healing that may not have been considered a possibility in their lives, along with exercises and suggestions to follow.. For anyone interested in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), and energy modalities such as qigong, yoga, and the like, this book gives dramatic examples of both the basics and the frontiers of spiritual practices to effectuate healing