In the second installment of the Whispers from the Past, Victoria Terryn and her husband Jeremi travel to the City of Ends, where one split second decision changes the dynamic of their relationship forever. With the addition of a third person, they must decide for themselves the limits of their affections.
~~~~~ Excerpt ~~~~~
It was the first time I’d ever smelled salt in the air. Seen an expanse of water that continued infinitely. A steady breeze played at my hair and the warm evening air caressed my skin. The ocean mirrored the full moon, illuminating the picturesque scene before me. If it weren’t for the circumstances surrounding our visit, the City of Ends was easily one of the most stunning landscapes I’d ever seen.
“Victoria, love…I…don’t how to prepare you for this.” Jeremi’s fingers weaved into mine.
“I’m the one who asked to come here. I want to understand every part of your life. This weight…you should not have to bear it alone.” I met his gaze and smiled—the waves danced in his silver eyes.
“I don’t know what I’ve ever done to deserve you,” he sighed and kissed my hair. I leaned into him.
“Your actions answer that every day, my sweet. Nothing I see here will change how I see you.”
I inhaled the intoxicating air one last time before hooking my arm through his. Delaying the inevitable would lead us nowhere.
“Shall we go?” I asked.
“Alright,” he replied reluctantly.
We turned and made our way back into the heart of the city. It was alive with food, trade and music. Despite the joyous atmosphere, the City of Ends was well known for its black market and underhanded business dealings. The location couldn’t be better- far enough from the Capital that most lawmen didn’t bother to visit unless doing business themselves, and close enough to the ocean to encourage trade by sea. Jeremi kept me close, weaving through inebriated citizens, dealers hawking their wares, and the occasional courtesan who reconsidered their propositions to my husband upon meeting my gaze. We stopped in front of a large, unmarked building built against an enormous cliff. Two giant men flanked the doorway in religious garb, their forms illuminated only by a single lantern that hung above the threshold. They shifted position to block our entry as we approached.
“I’m sorry m’lord, there’s a service currently in session,” said the one at the right, his voice low and rough.
“We’ve come to pay our respects,” Jeremi replied easily, bowing his head. I copied his movements, though my heart pounded against my chest.
“Do you believe the gods to favor you?” the one on the left asked.
“No, sir, the gods favour fortune,” Jeremi said as if reciting a prayer.
“You may enter,” they replied simultaneously, stepping aside. Jeremi led, taking my hand and pushing open the heavy wooden door.