November, 2003. The British Ambassador in Buenos Aires,Mark Wordsworth, is murdered on the eve of talks with the Argentine Government about the Falkland Islands. Were terrorists responsible? Or are there others who might have gained from Wordsworth's death? His deputy, Jeremy Hawkins, hated him. But what of his widow, Ann, and her former lover, Julian De Crespigny, now Head of Foreign Office Personnel? Or Wordsworth's successor, the apparently deeply devout William Grant? Also unclear is the role of the reclusive businessman, Angus Sterling, whose fortune is riding on a South Atlantic oil concession under threat from the negotiations. The police in Buenos Aires and London have made little progress when another death muddies the waters further. Adam White, Assistant Head of Security in the Foreign Office, sets out on his own independent enquiry under the watchful eye of his boss, James Carter. The trail takes Adam in search of the truth to Argentina and Chile and back to London before he makes his final, fateful return to Latin America. But Adam has not revealed everything about his past to his anxious lover, Alison Webster. What was his connection to Wordsworth..? Authoritative and gripping right up until the final shocking denouement, this debut novel by former diplomat Alan Hunt combines action and danger with perceptive insight into the nature of love and human fallibility. No Immunity is a riveting novel that will appeal to all thriller fans.