Owain Service,Rory Gallagher

Think Small

  • R Anandhas quoted2 years ago
    To achieve big, you will need to think small
  • Marianahas quoted2 years ago
    • Create an actionable plan
  • Mercy Ojohas quotedlast month
    We usually assume that when we set ourselves a goal we will probably pursue it with focus and attention, drawing heavily on our slower, reflective system.
  • Soliloquios Literarioshas quotedlast month
    It’s a curious and wonderful thing about the human condition that we are often a mystery to ourselves
  • b1745387005has quotedlast year
    Think Small is not a checklist.
  • gesposaspahas quoted2 years ago
    trengthening your social relationships;

    getting healthy and active;

    learning something new;

    being more curious; and

    giving to others.
  • bhatiajyotikahas quoted21 hours ago
    Mental contrasting and implementation intentions, when combined in this way, are especially powerful.15

    Example if I go to Agrawal store I will buy fox nuts instead of bhujiya sev

  • bhatiajyotikahas quoted21 hours ago
    Mental contrasting and implementation intentions, when combined in this way, are especially powerful
  • bhatiajyotikahas quoted21 hours ago
    form: ‘When I get back from work on Wednesday, I will do sixty minutes of marathon training’; or ‘When my alarm clock goes off, I will do forty-five minutes of French reading.’ As
  • bhatiajyotikahas quoted21 hours ago
    If I encounter situation X, then I will do Y’ – for example, if I get home after 8 p.m., I won’t log on to my work computer. These if-then plans are ready-made ways of helping you to think of how, when and where you will take the required action
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