There are dark secrets, in those jinxed woods of Mist valley, that could lure anyone into itsheart. Four Paranormal enthusiasts venture into them, oblivious about the contagion of hex prevailed over a century, their adventure culminates in tragedy. It didn’t stop there.
There were more secrets to exhume, more sinister plots to unravel, it became a burden for Noah, a diligent Paranormal investigator, who was among the victim of Mist valley haunting to trade secrets with a covert organization, called themselves the nemesis of evil. Engaged
in mission which was far more than herculean, equipped Noah to comprehend the very secrets of life and death.
He walks through a realm which mortals seldom travels, perceives knowledge to counter the evil which havocked life of his friends, The Creed whom he intended to confront was a Leviathan, it had its tentacles spread everywhere, no organisation in the world could skip
their radar, powerful people among its top rungs, run the Lodges. The place where they worship their deities, believed to control the humanity through their sins. Avarice— Greed, lucrative among all sins! Yes….! The shrine was second among the seven established in the world. The Second Lodge or Shrine of Avarice.