The nonprofit sector is facing major fundraising challenges. Government cutbacks, shrinking endowments, and business belt-tightening mean revenue shortfalls that could prevent organizations from fulfilling their missions. To survive and ultimately thrive, a nonprofit needs forceful revenue strategies and an organizational culture that champions them. Bridging the gap between theory and practical methods, The Nonprofit Fundraising Solution shows readers how to: * Ensure that executive leadership and board dynamics fully support fundraising initiatives * Build a broad constituency of donors aligned to the mission * Determine the right level of funding diversification * Use tactics such as challenge drives, stretch gifts, and corporate matching; parlor gatherings; leadership councils; year-end drives; corporate partnerships; and major campaigns to power revenue, increase access to wealthy donors, and raise their community profile * Proactively encourage planned giving * Avoid revenue plateaus Full of real-life stories and “casebooks” of the strategies-in-action, this book reveals how any nonprofit can implement advanced fundraising methods and secure the funds they need to excel.