This heart isn’t my heart or your heart. It’s our heart. I love you, Orion. Live enough for the both of us.”
Lauhas quotedlast month
you’re having a bad day, maybe you can do me a favor and go for a run. It’s what I would do.
Lauhas quotedlast month
While Death-Cast can only tell someone when they will die, they can’t predict how someone’s life will change on their End Day. The Decker must make those discoveries themselves by living with the fullest of hearts, down to the last beat.
Lauhas quotedlast month
It might just be basic companionship as they get their affairs in order. It could be hyping up the Decker to live a lifetime on their End Day.
Lauhas quotedlast month
Scarlett doesn’t have to carry her brother’s heart for him to forever live in hers.
Lauhas quotedlast month
Valentino is showing signs of brain death
Lauhas quotedlast month
Not even Death-Cast could have prepared him to die that way.
Lauhas quotedlast month
Paz runs back into the living room, which doesn’t feel like a room for living after he points the gun at his father and pulls the trigger.
Lauhas quotedlast month
This is how I’m going to die… against a man who is fighting for his life.
Lauhas quotedlast month
Then as we get more excited, we give in to a special first for both of us.