Filled with predictions and prophecies about present times and beyond, this book talks of the afterlife, what becomes of us and why animals too have to suffer. Since publication in 2012, many worldwide weather predictions have come true. Weather extremes such as never seen before, temperature and weather reversals in various countries. New diseases would surface and old ones resurrect themselves. Treatments once successful would become ineffective and some new diseases no cure available. Contamination of water, destruction by water of towns, cities and livelihoods in many countries would be seen. God is now claiming back His world from false spirituality and badness that's permeated throughout. Believe or disbelieve all you read, for you have free will Will you believe the words from God that are already proving to be predictive and true, or only those easier to hear and that come from false ways sent to lead us further from God? The choice is yours to make – I am but the messenger.