Global news and current affairs from a European perspective. Best downloaded on Friday mornings (GMT)
Articles in this issue: Politics this week
Business this week
KAL’s cartoon
China’s future: Xi Jinping and the Chinese dream
Corporate social responsibility: Disaster at Rana Plaza
Guantánamo Bay: Enough to make you gag
Europe’s credit crunch: Mend the money machine
Musicals: Do it by the book
Letters: On cars, defence spending, liberty, electronic trading, Nigeria, North Korea, countries, porn
Xi Jinping’s vision: Chasing the Chinese dream
The Guantánamo hunger-strike: The oubliette
Californian politics: It’s worth a go
Feral pigs: Pork, chopped
Blues tourism: The hellhound’s trail
School food: Biting commentary
The economic performance of cities: Following the sun Lexington: Dithering over Syria
Dams in the Amazon: The rights and wrongs of Belo Monte
Hydropower in Guyana: Shrouded in secrecy