While exploring neighborhoods on his new bike, thirteen-year-old Chuck Cory happens upon an awkward boy who desperately wants to join the freshman baseball team. Chuck recognizes that Louis Vale’s dreams are unrealistic, but feels obligated to train him anyway. As their friendship grows, Chuck discovers that Louis is ignoring his true talent.
When Louis’ artwork is stolen in plain sight during a fundraiser for Chuck’s baseball team, followed by the disappearance of thousands of dollars, Chuck replaces his baseball cap for a thinking cap and quickly concludes it is an inside job.
Eventually, the Dragons make it to their August tournament, but their regional dominance is immediately tested, as they face bigger and more experienced teams from across the country. When two players are suddenly expelled from the park, now a single injury would also send the rest of the team home early.
With their hopes dimming faster than a solar eclipse, will Chuck and his teammates be able to shine like the superstars they had been during their regular season?