Looking For Work In The Pop-Up Mall. A large mall springs up seemingly overnight in place of an apple orchard and suddenly; the number of stores inside intrigues the townspeople. Most advertise for Help Wanted and several of the locals apply. The startling thing is that that all of the shopkeepers seem to know about the applicants, even before they open their mouths. This is a classic Sci-Fi story suitable for any age, in the vein of the Old Masters of Sci-Fi.
Duplicity is a story set in the near future and it’s about a female police detective investigating a crime. Someone pushed an employee of a high tech company off a balcony and she wonders what it has to do with a computer chip found clutched tightly in a death grip in the dead man’s hand. She notices someone watching the scene and right after that, finds another chip--in much better condition than the first.