Schneider Schools have an unorthodox approach to sex education that school teacher Gary is about to learn a lot more about. He's been asked to take one year out to travel the country as a sex ed instructor, with his 18yo daughter as his assistant. But even though he'll be drowning in schoolgirl pussy galore and his daughter's cream pies it's his daughter's romantic love that he will be craving
A 6000 word story not including back matter and samples.
Like any high school teacher and father Gary is an admirer of 18 year old girls. It's what makes him perfectly suited to working in the Schneider School system, where sex education is hands-on and in accordance with the writings of school founder Joseph Schneider. The Schneider Foundation has defeated countless charges against them in court so continue their c.1900 German tradition.
Gary is delighted to be selected as a sex-instructor, just shocked that the job will entail traveling the nation with his 18 year old daughter as his assistant. Why pair fathers with daughters? Why not just use models, nurses or actresses? It's to do with a quirk in teenage girls' psyches and the unique demands of being a Schneider School sex-ed instructor.