She belongs to whoever wants her. She feels whatever they feel. Yes
dannynicolinihas quoted5 years ago
Silence. “What could have come of it?” Stein doesn't answer. “Desire?” Max Thor asks. “And erosion by desire?” “Yes. By your desire.” Silence. “Or death by Alissa,” Stein says
dannynicolinihas quoted5 years ago
Is it very different?” he asks. “There's nothing left,” Max Thor says. “So I don't say anything. The students go to sleep
dannynicolinihas quoted5 years ago
“What do you teach?” “History,” Max Thor says. “History of the future.”
dannynicolinihas quoted5 years ago
When it's become part of a timetable, say, you don't notice it,” says Stein. “And if you don't notice it, don't give it a name, it can take some curious turns.”
dannynicolinihas quoted5 years ago
The only thing that will ever have happened to you . . .” she says. “Is you,” Elisabeth says. “You, Alissa.”
dannynicolinihas quoted5 years ago
If you'd loved him, if you'd loved him once, just once in your life, you'd have loved the others
dannynicolinihas quoted5 years ago
We're alike,” says Alissa. “We'd love Stein if it were possible to love.”
dannynicolinihas quoted5 years ago
You seem to know a lot of doctors,” Alissa says. “Yes . . . quite a few . . . They're interesting to talk to.” “They talk to you about yourself,” Max Thor says
dannynicolinihas quoted5 years ago
A very affectionate child, really. I expect she'll suffer. But people are bad judges of their own children.”