bookmate game
Patrick King

Read People Like a Book: How to Analyze, Understand, and Predict People’s Emotions, Thoughts, Intentions, and Behaviors

  • Raul Martinezhas quoted8 months ago
    “actions speak louder than words”
  • dm8d2wvhwvhas quoted4 months ago
    Projection is a defense mechanism that can cause considerable damage and chaos if not understood for what it is. In this case, we place unwanted and unclaimed feelings onto someone or something else rather than seeing that they are a part of ourselves. We do not recognize our own “dark side” and project it onto others, blaming them for our shortcomings or seeing our flaws in their actions.
  • Dirk Leonhas quoted4 months ago
    Even the least emotionally and socially intelligent people can learn something about other people if they engage with them long enough.
  • ImNotElmethas quoted5 months ago
    dark exists because of light
  • IamKing_YThas quoted5 months ago
    we look for patterns.
  • barboravaichas quoted9 months ago
    denial and rationalization.
  • reyahas quotedyesterday
    Shadow projection is when a person unconsciously attributes his own shadow traits to another person.
  • mmmaynard2009has quoted2 days ago
    important principle: in our analysis, we look for patterns.
  • reyahas quoted3 days ago
    “I used to think so-and-so was such-and-such kind of person, but once I got to know them, I realized I was completely wrong about them”?
  • Cristell Patiñohas quoted6 days ago
    When the ego senses danger, it has no interest or time to consider the facts. Instead, it seeks to alleviate discomfort in the quickest way possible. And that means you lie to yourself so you can keep the ego safe and sound.
    We try to cover up the truth, deflect attention from it, or develop an alternative version that makes the actual truth seem less hurtful. And it’s right in that moment that intellectual dishonesty is born. Are any of those convoluted theories likely to withstand any amount of scrutiny? Probably not, but the problem is that the ego doesn’t allow for acknowledgment and analysis of what really happened. It blinds you.
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